
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Disorganization and Chaos...

This is the mess I'm dealing with lately...what to start on first... :o(


Anonymous said...

I suppose this is on my 'to do' list when I come to help clean the back porch. :) How many projects do you have going there??

Anonymous said...

THAT is disorganization and chaos???? My my lordy....that is how my workspace looks when it's _clean_!! I should have taken and posted a pic of my space before I left for Houston last was unfreakingbelievable....I just stood back from it and laughed; I could do nothing else! It took me two full days to get it back into shape!

Barb Fajardo said...

okay...well, what I think is that you are all just better multi-taskers than me...;o)

DH just called...I have to meet him at Costco...our business is buying us a new to you later today gals :o)

Anonymous said...

Looks exactly like my space! *G*

Have I mentioned to you that sometime in the future.... like mabe 5 years or so... we are planning a move to the southwest? *G*

Barb Fajardo said...

hey Fae :o)
lessee...I have a creating corner *g* which is also my photo area, a curing, sanding, buffing, finishing spot, and a stringing area. as to how many projects...ummm...can't say exactly. Oh and nestled in near the stringing area, is where I'm trying to decide how to display things for the market...


Barb Fajardo said...

Thanks Chel...artistic genius huh? Okay, I'll go with that ;o)

Can you show us the pic of Pier?

Barb Fajardo said...

I would have loved to see that Jana!!! Can you take a pic for us? It'd be cool to see where you work :o)

Barb Fajardo said...

I've heard you say that before Kathi...I don't know how you can clay on a TV tray...that's pretty darned incredible woman. So, you don't think this is messy huh? Maybe you should see it in person ;o)

Barb Fajardo said...

I'm not tidy either Krista, but I don't work well with stuff lying all over. I did some caning yesterday, so I just added to the mess :o)

Barb Fajardo said...

right on Connie! where to?

Kamoe said...

Looks like an big work-space and a genius handles chaos. ;))
I wished I would have a nearly similar work place. One single table and an old cabinet for my tools, can you imagine what chaos is there?

Anonymous said...

Not sure yet... still researching - Albuquerque is a possibilty, Phoenix is another. Will certainly let you know when I do! *G*

Barb Fajardo said...

Thanks Karin :o) How have you been? Is it spring yet over in Germany?

Anonymous said...

Your studio is"neat"! You should see mine, Yeeks. I have piles on top of my piles.
I cleaned up my clay working area as it was overwhelming. I have 3 bead stations with all these little drawers that are out of their containers.

thanks for sharing. You are inspiring! Regards, Barb from Vermont

Barb Fajardo said...

It's so funny though Barb...just a few weeks ago, that long table was out back under the porch and I would just drag the stuff I needed out to the dining room table and do the sanding/finishing/stringing steps there. I always had to pick up after I was done. So, now that I can do those steps on my long table, everything sort of lives right where I leave it...I'm starting to get used to it and it's kind of nice I think :o)