Some of the artists that entered the NPCG's Progress and Possibilities contest are showing what they submitted.
I appreciate all of the time and effort that the judges put into the scoring process, but was disappointed that they didn't comment (they have the option/space on the scorecard to do that) on any of my entries.
I think *I* know why my pieces didn't place, but being able to see what they saw, well I know that would have helped me immensely. I admit that I hurried with the finishing process to get them submitted in time...and these were among the very first floral beads of this style. So, I'm sure they were a little rough around the edges.
I did get a personal email from one of the judges letting me know "how refreshing it was to see original work with a lovely sense of color and design." That meant the world to me to hear that and that she took the time to let me know... :o)
I couldn't agree more with the judges! Your work is so innovative and well conceived (no wonder you have so many imitators!).
And BTW, my blog recently got "tagged" for the Eight Random Facts meme, so I'm passing it on to you:
Eight Random Facts
wow Barb...those are great. I can't believe they didn't leave *any* comments at all. thats too weird if ya ask me.
Good thing one judge was willing to share.
Barb, they are all luscious! But I understand what you're saying. Perhaps one of them will read your blog and respond. I love that the one judge used the word "refreshing"...because they really are so different from anything out there. I thought they were a "shoo-in"!
Sorry I can't agree with the judge. I thought this retreat should stay for something innovative, new techniques... designs, whatever. In my opion it is much harder to create a new style then to perfect the own professional technique what is to be seen so many times. Follow your way Barb, it is a good one!
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