
Friday, March 03, 2006

My Blue Dolphie

Another swap was delivered to my door today from a dear friend and wonderful sculptress...Miss Pat! She is one talented lady isn't she? Thank you so much Pat!! Blue Dolphie now sits next to her friend, Dragon Eggie ;o) I'm so lucky to have such wonderful PC pals :o) Thank you my friends!


Barb Fajardo said...

They do don't they? I have a eyeball light right over where they are, so i can spotlight em if I want :o)

Anonymous said...

You are getting gifted left and right! :) And they do look good together. I can't wait until we are settled again and I can talk you into doing a swap with me. :D

Barb Fajardo said...

Oh, we're doing a swap madam and don't you forget it! far I've gleaned that you like the tesselations and muted I right?

Anonymous said...

You are right! And what do you like? .... I wonder what a desert dragon would look like ...

Barb Fajardo said...

I do love your filigree work :o)

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I love to do filigree. :D

Kamoe said...

You lucky Lady.... having friends they give such lovely gifts :)

Think I must getting better to ask for a swap with such professional clay-artist. I did one with an clay friend from Singapore and I'm so happy that she was pleased with my beads.
Was my first experience about a swap and I was so nervous.

Barb Fajardo said...

Thanks's been a swap crazy kind of month ;o)