
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Summer Sculpted Lentils

Made these today...I really love how they turned out :o) On another note, Evan starts Driver's Ed tomorrow... joy, joy... ;o)


Kamoe said...

Hi Barb, dealing with some health problems I'm back again. Your new way is adorable. The new colors and mixing is beautiful. These are my favorites, so elegant. You rock again, hon.

Anonymous said...

Wow ... those are gorgeous, Ru. I love the colors, the shape, the texture ... I love it all. And if ya don't know who I be ... lemme ask ya this. Hey Ru, what's new?

Barb Fajardo said...

Thanks so much ladies :o) Sorry to hear about your health problems Karin...I hope your feeling lots better! Kathi, Evan is actually a very good driver...been driving the tractor around here since he was about 10. So it's safe to come visit... *g* ...and bring that "anonymous" person with you too! (I knew it was you right away Pat :o)

Oh, and Krista...been thinking about you because of all of the Americans getting out of Lebanon by way of Cyprus. Hope all is well for you and the family...

Hugs all,
~ *ru*

Barb Fajardo said...

Oh good Krista, happy to hear all is well then :o)

Unikat-Jewelry-Nada said...

Beautiful Barb! I love it!