Greetings, Polymer Clay Peeps!
I have here, what I believe is a new polymer clay technique which I will call "Crackly Goodness."
or maybe BFCG? We'll see if anything sticks ;o)
The look is similar to mokume gane but the layered effect is created with alcohol inks colored clay at all. I also got a great crackle goin' on, which happened entirely by accident. Love that *serendipity stuff!
I'll be teaching this new technique at workshops and hopefully will get a tutorial written soon for CraftArtEdu. If you'd like to get a better look at what I'm describing here, go to my Flickr account where you can enlarge the images and really enjoy the "Crackly Goodness." I've used this technique on my Mandala Beads which you can see there as well. Email me if your group is interested in a one or two day workshop.
*ser·en·dip·i·ty [ser-uhn-dip-i-tee] noun 1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident