Back when I had "real" jobs...I was an excellent employee. I could answer phones, ship, receive, take special orders, buy, balance the books, train employees, make schedules, meet deadlines, do repairs, etc. I rarely called in sick. I never left a job undone. My desk was very clean. I took notes, I learned.
Now, since I've become a full-time artist...I can only focus on a few things at a time. I'm easily distracted. I'm a bit irresponsible now.
My husband wants me to make more money...and rightly so. He wants me to go out and find a "real" job. The reason that I quit my last job, was that I was bored. I wanted more. I needed to be creative.
So, now here I am, at the beginning of a new year. I've decided that the only way to bring in income and continue doing what I love is to teach others about polymer clay. I hope I'm good at it...
Can I really do this teaching gig? I'm starting small by teaching here at home. Probably only about 5 students or so until I get comfortable.
I suppose it would be a good start to get my "studio" aka dining room cleaned and organized. I'm not sure why I enjoy showing you what a slob I am! But, I have barely been in there in the past two months. What with Rudy's eye problems and surgeries (detached retina and cataract) and the boyz home for Christmas and New Year's, I haven't been able to get much done.
But, I've made a definite resolution to make 2008 my year to dive into all of these things I've been only thinking about for so long...and make this a "real" job! :o)
Happy New Year!!